3 Ways to Make a Small Holiday Party Memorable

You could easily say, “Forget the holidays this year; 2020 is just a mess.” Or your other option is to make it even more special, to focus on what you CAN control, on making it the most beautiful, fun-filled, flavorful, time for you in an intimate setting. 

Founder, Amanda Hudes, shares 3 ways to make an intimate event this holiday season to still be memorable and enjoyable:

  1. Consider people’s feelings. To ease anxiety, you can have guests wear a certain color to allow them to show their comfort level without having to speak about it. Get rid of the unnecessary stress.

  2. Invest in unique entertainment. Surprise your guests!

  3. Stay away from the norm. Why try to pretend like 2020 is normal? Go bold and opt for non-traditional color combinations!

Help your friends and family smile through this season. Not sure what to do? 

Contact Smiling Through Chaos and just enjoy:


And watch the full segment on THE LIST here: https://www.thelisttv.com/the-list/3-ways-to-make-a-small-holiday-party-memorable-11-3-20/


4 easy ways to make your smaller wedding special


The Smiling Through Chaos Difference